Shelf Awareness: enlightenment for readers

Shelf Awareness Pro

Receive daily enlightenment about the book trade with news and information specifically catered to booksellers, librarians, publishers and other industry professionals.
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Your subscription to PRO includes:

MAX Shelf
Every week, we highlight a single upcoming title we think booksellers and other industry insiders are really going to like with an extended review, in-depth author interview and more!
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Dedicated Shelf
Showcasing news and noteworthy events from major publishers, this monthly mailing offers information about new imprints, significant milestones and important announcements any professional will want to know.
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This is the email address your subscribers will use to contact you.

For new submissions or changes to your current logo (not necessary if you’re just updating your mailing list)
Please submit a high-quality logo image (a transparent .png works best if available)

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Both add and remove lists may be uploaded at the same time.